The Definitive Guide to Operator Overloading in C++

Operator overloading has always been one of the most integral parts that makes C++, well, C++. From the nearly-regular overload of operator= for copy and move assignments to the IOStream’s (mis)use of operator<< and >> for I/O, which every C++ programmer learns on the first day of the class, no one can deny that without operator overloading, many common idioms and syntaxes we are already accustomed to will no longer be possible.

Yet the topic of operator overloading has always been a complex one, with intricacies that are not easy to understand and explore, and confusion and arguments on the best way to overload operators have prevailed ever since C++98. Furthermore, to make matters worse, each edition of C++ tweaked more and more operators to make them more friendly and also added more and more novel operators that we can overload:

What are the most canonical forms of overloading each operator? What are the usual idioms and protocols you must follow? Most importantly, what idiom prevailed in the C++23-era world, and what idiom had been made obsolete? Even with several excellent guides written on the topics, they are either too old or don’t cover every operator’s intricacies. This guide is meant to answer all of those questions once and for all.

All of the contents will be based on the finalized C++23 standard.


Basic Terminology

Basics of Operator Overloading

So, what is operator overloading? As its name suggests, operator overloading basically gives you a way of customizing the behavior of operators. However, it should be made clear that this is not a way to change the meaning of operators like 1 + 2, but to give meaning to the otherwise-meaningless expression like p1 + p2, where p1 and p2 are objects of your custom class Point. Since the compiler doesn’t know how to add two Point objects, it simply refuses to compile unless you tell the compiler what to do by overloading the + operator on Points.

So, how do you tell the compiler? For any operator you want to overload, say +, there are two different syntaxes to overload the operator: member and non-member.

struct Point
    Point operator+(const Point& rhs) const { /* ... */ } // Member
    Point func(const Point& rhs) const;
Point operator+(const Point& lhs, const Point& rhs) { /* ... */ } // Non-member

After specifying one of those two forms, the compiler will then treat p1 + p2 as a pure syntactic sugar: If a member operator+ is found, p1 + p2 is rewritten into p1.operator+(p2) and executed, and you can access p1 as this, p2 as rhs in the function body. If a non-member is found, then p1 + p2 is rewritten into operator+(p1, p2), and you can access p1 and p2 as lhs and rhs, respectively.

One subtle thing to notice here is that operator+ is (in some sense) not a magic name. It is literally just a function name, appearing where typically function names are found. In fact, you can even call it like a regular function, so p1.operator+(p2) is actually valid C++ code. Therefore, defining an operator overload is literally just defining a member or non-member function, and the only magic is the sugar of rewriting p1 + p2 into a function call form.

Since operator+, like func, is a normal function, all the usual privileges and restrictions of member and non-member functions apply. For example, you can add const, volatile, &, or any other valid qualifiers on regular member functions to the operator functions. You can make them templates, add requires, etc. Also, you can overload operator+, and the compiler will make an overload resolution as usual when dealing with p1 + p2.

Of course, some requirements do exist on operator functions, so they are not precisely equivalent to ordinary functions. These requirements are:

However, except for those minor requirements, they behave entirely like normal functions. Especially notice that there are absolutely no requirements on what the return type and argument types must be (except for operator->, but that will be covered in its own section later), so you can definitely write an operator+ that takes two BigInts and returns a std::string. Also, no requirements are put on the implementation of operator functions, so it is also possible to write an operator+ on your BigInt class such that a + b actually does subtraction.

However, one thing needs to be especially remembered when doing operator overloading:

Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should!

In general, you really shouldn’t write surprise operators like that. Each operator has its own established meaning and relationships, and you should really respect them. a + b should do what addition usually does for that class. In this sense, std::string::operator+ is actually a misuse since there is not really an established meaning of what adding two strings should do in a mathematical sense (the current semantics, concatenation, is not even communicative!). While you may argue that + for string means concatenation is so widespread and so universally adopted that it can be carved out as an exception, just as in Java, where no general operator overloading is allowed, but String still has +. (Even though I would argue that, again, it is better provided as an ordinary function that can have richer meaning, like slicing the second string, and there exist popular languages that chose not to abuse +.)

However, even if you made that argument, another classical misuse of operator overloading in the STL cannot be explained away: IOStream’s use of << and >> for input and output. There, the grounds are much weaker: there is no precedent, and other languages haven’t adopted these operators (even C++ itself had been moving away from << and >> by encouraging the use of std::print family), and the original meaning of those operators (bitwise shift) has absolutely nothing to do with I/O. In retrospect, the decision to overload << and >> for IOStreams is probably just meant to be a demonstration of the power of operator overloading, just like vector<bool>, deployed as an experiment. Well, we can only accept that STL can and has made many mistakes, many of them more severe than this, and move on with life.

In conclusion, with the freedom of operator overloading, you can really do extraordinary things, like C++20 Ranges’ use of |, and DSLs like Boost::Spirit. However, before wielding that power, be cautious and always follow those established guidelines:

  1. Don’t do it. In 95% of the cases, you don’t need operator overloading and just want to show off. In the vast majority of cases, introducing a named regular function can express the meaning more clearly, give you more power (such as the possibility of having more arguments), and bring less confusion. So, unless you have very clear and robust motivation, refrain from overloading any operators.
  2. Whenever the meaning of an operator is not obviously clear and undisputed, it should not be overloaded. For example, what should + between vectors mean? You may be tempted to say concatenation, with the precedence of string, but there is certainly no strong motivation or clear, established meaning on that operator (for example, it can also mean element-wise addition, just like what valarray and numpy.array does). Therefore, you shouldn’t overload it, even though it might be tempting. Instead, provide a named function, just like what STL eventually does.
  3. Always stick to the operator’s well-known semantics. This is an extension of 2, but it’s so important that it merits mentioning again. Don’t use “surprise operators” that make a + b do subtraction; you will only confuse your users.
  4. Always provide all out of a set of related operations. This is a more subtle one, but nonetheless, it is still essential to follow. If the user can do a < b, they will expect that they can do a > b. Even though the compiler does not forbid you to write a class that only supports <, you should always provide the full set, and make sure their behavior is consistent (i.e., a < b whenever b > a).

Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should!

Transversing the Operator Zoo

Now that you know the basic syntax and guidelines of operator overloading, a natural question to ask is what operator we can overload. The first clarification here needed is that in C++, unlike some other languages, you cannot create new operators, so you cannot just write operator** and expect the compiler to suddenly start accepting a ** b. (Though, if you try really hard, you can make it work since a ** b is parsed as a * (*b). But again, you really shouldn’t rely on those kind of tricks. How hard is providing a pow()?)

That leaves the already-usable operators. A thing to mention here is that not all operators in the core language consist only of punctuations; examples are sizeof and typeid, which are technically unary operators since they can apply to objects. However, all of those “text” operators cannot be overloaded, so we will not consider them operators in this guide. However, there is one notable exception: swap. Even though swap is not even a keyword and doesn’t really have any meaning in the core language, it is used and relied on so heavily in the standard library that I will make an exception and consider it as an overloadable binary “operator” in this guide. We will see the reason for this declaration more clearly in its section.

Now that is resolved, among the remaining (“real”) operators, there are only four that cannot be overloaded: . (object member access), .* (object member access through pointers), :: (namespace access), and ?: (ternary/condition operator). Of those four “home-restricted”, their reasons are a little different. You obviously cannot overload :: due to the inability to pass a namespace name to a function, but there are not really any technical reasons for ?: not to be overloadable. The committee admitted that the only reason ?: is not overloadable is that it is the only ternary operator in the standard, and he does not want to cave an exception for the allowance of a three-parameter operator?: when all other operators are restricted to take one or two arguments (except (), and later [], but they are unique in more than this respect, as seen above). Recently, there have been some attempts to persuade WG21 (the ISO C++ standards committee) to allow operator?: in the context of natural SIMD conditionals that may benefit significantly from this operator.

As for . and .*, the story is much more interesting and revealing. The urge to overload operator., the dot operator, to finally allow for a perfect wrapper class that can forward every method to an inner object (perhaps a perfect strong type alias or a locking guard that provides a lock for each method invocation), had been overwhelming in the last 20 years, and multiple proposals had been put forward to allow exactly that. However, this “smart reference” (a la smart pointers) operator had been one of the most contentious topics in WG21 history due to issues like the clashing between the wrapper class’s own member function and operator., and whether a + b should invoke operator. on a if it is translated to a.operator+(b), and so on. In the end, the topic has been left unresolved on the platform for a few years now (the most recent attempt seems to be in 2016).

Committee shenanigans aside, except those four operators, C++ has allowed nearly every existing operator to be overloaded, including some surprising ones like -> (pointer member access), ->* (pointer member access through pointer), and , (yes, you can overload comma!). Still, remember the motto!

Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should!

In total, C++ allows a staggering 39 different punctuation tokens to be overloaded, combined with non-punctuation overloadable, including operator T (converting operator), operator ""s (user-defined literal), operator co_await, four allocating operators, and swap (the only one in the list not using the operator keyword), there are a total of 47 overloadable operators defined in the standard. (Now you know why this guide is so long, huh?) Grouping by their arity, we can classify them as three different kinds, which dictates their overloading syntax in terms of number of arguments allowed:

Take focus on the fact that some tokens appear in multiple listings! In some cases, the two forms are linked; for example, unary - is expected to do negation, so basically, -x is equivalent to 0 - x, which uses binary -. In other cases, the two forms are completely unrelated, such as unary * means pointer dereferencing, and binary * indicates multiplication. In the rest of the guide, to distinguish two forms, I will use u+ u- u* u& to refer to their unary forms, while b+ b- b* b& will refer to their binary forms.

Another subtlety is that two operators are secretly expanding inside the unary operator’s category! ++ and -- have two forms: prefix and postfix (all other unary operators are only prefixes). This means that you can make ++a and a++ do entirely different things! (Once again, you really shouldn’t; these are expected to be equivalent except for their return value. Remember the motto.) In the rest of the guide, if I want to distinguish them clearly, I will use ++p and --p to refer to their prefix forms and p++ and p-- to refer to their postfix forms. As for how do you distinguish them in code when both are unary? Read their section to find out!

(Finally, alert readers may point out that -> should be a binary operator since it is used like ptr->member(). This is not a mistake; welcome to the weird world of Arrow! Read its section to find out why it is a unary operator and a bizarre one at that.)

Basic Idioms

Before we embark on the journey to survey every single operator’s canonical forms and rules, we need to know about some general idioms that apply to nearly every operator overloading function.

Deducing This: A Retrospective and A Mistake Unfixed

For example, how exactly do you write a member operator function?

This may sound trivially nonsense, but it’s not. In C++23, a new way to write member functions, Deducing This, is introduced into the standard. Specifically, this feature allows you to explicitly write the normally-implicit object argument (aka this) in the argument list, just like Python’s self argument. The syntax is to prepend this on the first argument:

struct S
    int value;
    void fun(int r) { value = r; } // normal member
    void fun2(this const S& self, int r) { self.value = r; } // deducing this

S s;;
s.fun2(5); // usage is the same

Some non-obvious details regarding those kinds of “deducing this” member functions need to be resolved. First of all, implicit and explicit access to this is disabled in those functions; you cannot just write value or write this->value and expect it to work. Instead, you need to access the members via self (notice that this name is just an argument name and can be anything, not just self). Secondly, I actually sorta lied when saying Deducing This is a new way of writing member functions. The best way to understand this is to again think DT as a syntactic sugar for an equivalent function by deleting this and prepending static:

struct S
    void fun(this const S& self, int r);
    // equivalent to:
    static void fun(const S& self, int r);

Then, the compiler simply transforms to a call of S::fun(s, 5) whenever the overload resolution selects a DT function. This makes sense since we don’t have a this pointer inside the function, making it ABI equivalent to a static function with better performance.

Now, what are the benefits of using DT, you may ask? At first glance, this new form just adds more keystrokes and reduces the convenience of implicit this. However, there are three main advantages of using DT.

First of all, since DT members are just equivalent to a static member function, there is no rule whatsoever as to what the first argument’s type must be. For normal member functions, the implicit object argument’s type can be S&, S&&, const S&, or const S&& depending on the cv- and ref-qualifier at the end of the declaration, but it must be a reference. There is no such requirement on DT member functions:

struct S
    void fun(); // implicit object argument is S& (sorta, see below)
    void fun2() const; // implicit object argument is const S&

    void fun3(this S&); // equivalent (sorta, see below) to fun
    void fun4(this const S&); // equivalent to fun2

    void fun5(this S); // pass by value! impossible to write for normal members

Passing the implicit object by value has many benefits, including better performance due to avoiding implicit pointer access when writing members for small classes like string_view that fits in registers and the possibility of a simple sorted()-like function that returns a modified version of self without modifying in-place.

But more importantly, there is no reason why a (static or not) member function cannot be a template. What makes DT special? Its first argument can also be templated!

struct S
    T value;
    T& fun() { return value; }
    const T& fun() const { return value; } // common overload set to serve both kinds of this

    template<typename U>
    auto& fun(this U&& self) { return self.value; } // only need to write once!

Using a forwarding reference (sometimes in conjunction with std::forward[_like]), we can collapse the two or four duplicate overloads needed to handle different const-ness into one templated member, and the right overload will be instantiated when needed.

The second important advantage of DT is the possibility of exposing the this pointer in a lambda. Since lambdas are basically syntactic sugars for anonymous classes with an operator() overload, we cannot normally use this to refer to that anonymous class because of this-related captures. However, with DT syntax, we now have a way to refer to the lambda object inside itself:

auto fac = [](this auto fac, int n)
{ return n <= 1 ? 1 : n * fac(n - 1); }
fac(5); // 120

Besides the obvious recursive lambda, this also enables us to write a better overloading lambda wrapper. See the original proposal for details.

The third advantage is not actually mentioned in the proposal at all and is a very less-known fact of normal member functions in C++. It is so less known that the standard itself made mistakes in this aspect, and this advantage is actually very relevant to why using DT to overload operators is a good idea. What is the weird quirk, you may ask? Basically, the above text (and the standard)’s reference to the “normal, non-const member function’s implicit object argument is of type S&” is a lie. Only lvalues of type S will be accepted for a normal function taking an S& argument. However, for normal non-const member functions, both lvalue and rvalues are accepted!

struct S { void fun(); };
void fun2(S&);

int main()
    S s;; // okay
    fun2(s); // okay
    S{}.fun(); // prvalue, okay
    fun2(S{}); // prvalue, error!

You see, the implicit object argument of non-const member functions is actually the first instance of a “universal reference” in C++ standard that can accept both lvalues and rvalues, introduced way before C++11 forwarding references are a thing. This quirk does not apply to const member functions because a normal function with const S& arguments can already accept both lvalues and rvalues, making them truly equivalent.

What does this quirk have to do with operator overloading? Remember, operator functions are just normal functions with a special name, so all the properties of a regular member function apply. This has two important implications:

  1. Asymmetry of Two Forms: In nearly all regards, the compiler treats an operator’s member and non-member forms equivalently; a + b will search and make overload resolutions with both forms and rewrite accordingly. However, this quirk means that if you write operator+= as a member (without defense, see below), it will accept rvalues as the left-hand operand, making S{} += 2 valid. That statement will be invalid if you implement operator+= as a non-member.
  2. Rvalue Modification: This might be somewhat obvious since S{} += 2, or in general, modifying an rvalue, which is most likely a temporary expression, is usually not a great idea. The modification result is most likely discarded, so write S{} + 2 is probably clearer. The standard library itself made this mistake: all of its operator=s are member functions without defense, so nonsense expressions like std::string{} = std::string{} are actually valid.

You may wonder who actually writes expressions like that, modifying clearly temporary values. Well, maybe not directly, but you should remember that misspelling == as = is a very common mistake:

std::optional<int> getOptional();
int getInt();

if (getOptional() = 2) // oops, meant to be ==
if (getInt() = 2) // protected! compile error

Built-in types like int do not have overloaded operators, so operator= on ints does not accept rvalues as LHS, and the above mistake is actually protected. However, regarding std::optional (or any other STL types), even though getOptional() returns a prvalue, you can still write an assignment like that, and all major compilers compile successfully, albeit with a warning. (Apparently, MSVC does not even warn about this…)

Now, a defense against this quirk exists, which is the ref-qualifier feature introduced in C++11. This feature allows you to append & or && after a member function to constraint whether the function only accepts lvalue this or rvalue this:

struct S
    void fun();
    void fun2() &;
    void fun3() &&;

S getS();

int main()
    S s;; // okay
    s.fun2(); // lvalue, okay
    s.fun3(); // error!

    getS().fun(); // okay (quirk)
    getS().fun2(); // error! (good)
    getS().fun3(); // rvalue, okay

This not only gives you a way to express a member function with implicit object argument as S&&, but appending & also gives you feature parity with a normal S& argument. Now, struct S { void fun() &; }; is indeed equivalent to void fun(S&);, minus calling syntax. (However, now struct S { void fun() const &; }; is again not equivalent to void fun(const S&);, instead being a non-expressible “const true lvalue reference” that only accepts lvalue. Isn’t C++ fantastic? 😜)

Applying this feature to operator overloading, we can now guard against modifying rvalues, and achieving symmetry:

struct S
    S& operator=(int) &; // <- notice the &
S s;
S getS();
s = 2; // okay
getS() = 2; // error, good

Unfortunately, ref-qualifiers is probably one of the least known features of C++11, with little to no adoption both inside and outside the STL. There had been a proposal in the C++11 cycle requesting WG21 to change all existing standard library types to use an operator= with & qualifier and eventually modify the automatic generation rules to force that as default. However, due to the sheer amount of breakage this may cause, without any surprise, that proposal is not accepted. To maintain consistency, new library types introduced after C++11 still haven’t adopted any operator= with a qualifier, resulting in our unsatisfactory contemporary status.

But now, we may have a cure for that disease: Deducing This. One of the main reasons &-qualified members had not seen great adoption is due to its asymmetry: you have to remember to add & for non-const members, but also remember not to add & for const members to achieve feature parity. However, DT has no such asymmetry: due to its equivalence with static functions, void fun(this S&) is, so obviously, equivalent to normal void fun(S&), and void fun(this const S&) is also just equivalent to normal void fun(const S&). Even better, since DT uses normal function declarations syntax, there is literally no way to write the quirky “universal reference” or “const true lvalue reference” in DT members, so there are no bad defaults here; you have to write out the type physically. By simply writing all (non-virtual, for now) members (including operator overloads) in DT form, you already achieved the rvalue modification prevention goal without intentionally doing anything!

So, in conclusion, for modifying operators that probably should be written as non-const member functions (see below section for why), the canonical form is to either write it in Deducing This form or to append the & qualifier. This way, both symmetry and prevention of rvalue modification can be achieved.

struct S
    S& operator=(this S&, const S&); // canonical and preferred
    S& operator=(const S&) &; // canonical
    S& operator=(const S&); // not recommended

(Of course, if your operator does want to allow modification on rvalues, you can write it as a normal member (or preferably a DT member with forwarding reference); maybe the Builder pattern’s operator= can be one example.)

Hidden Friends and the Barton-Nackman Trick

Now that we know the canonical forms for member function implementation of operator overloading, what about the non-member implementation? There, no symmetry problem occurs since both arguments are treated equally. However, another problem arose, necessitating the introduction of another commonly used implementation technique of non-member functions: the Hidden Friend Idiom.

To understand hidden friends, we first must understand a friend declaration. Traditionally, friend declarations are used to intentionally loosen a class’s encapsulation in a controlled manner. For example, you may have a CRTP base class that you want to access some private method to aid implementation, which you do not want to expose to the outside world:

template<typename Derived>
struct provide_work
    void work() { static_cast<Derived*>(this)->doWork(); /* do some logging */ }

struct concrete_class : private provide_work<concrete_class>
    friend class provide_work<concrete_class>;
    void doWork();

doWork() is an internal function without logging, so you may not want to expose it to the outside world. However, since the CRTP base class usually uses private inheritance due to the nature of the composition, that cast inside work() doesn’t actually work unless you make it see the inheritance through a friend declaration. (Note: This example works much better if you use Deducing This, in which you simply write void work(this const auto&) and don’t worry about friends anymore.) friend declarations can apply to both classes (like above) and non-member functions (like friend void fun();), and in both cases, the mentioned class/function will gain access to the private members of concrete_class.

However, in modern C++, friend declarations are increasingly less necessary due to the focus on reducing coupling between classes and also strengthening encapsulation. Those relationships are usually much better expressed by utilizing a class’s public API, maybe through a hidden base class. However, another (unintended?) use of friend declarations has risen in popularity in recent years and has gradually become one of the most important use cases of the friend keyword: the Hidden Friend Idiom.

Now, what is a hidden friend? Basically, when using friend to befriend a function, simply put that function’s definition right after the friend declaration (define the function in-line), and you get a hidden friend.

struct S
    friend void fun(S s) // hidden friend!
        // implement fun(), can use private parts of S here
S s;
fun(s); // okay
fun(2); // error!
fun(S(2)); // okay
::fun(s); // error!

A hidden friend like this is still a non-member function, albeit residing inside the definition of a class. However, precisely because the function only has a declaration inside a class scope, it is hidden against all normal lookup methods. Thus, it cannot be found from normal qualified lookup (like ::fun(s)).

However, how is fun(s) valid then? This is because hidden friends can only be found via one special rule in the lookup family: Argument-Dependent Lookup (ADL). ADL is an exception in the unqualified lookup phase that is actually invented specifically to convenience operator overloading. Basically, for ADL to happen, three conditions must be met:

When all the conditions are met, ADL specifies that a list of associated entities is compiled for each (class type or pointer to or reference to a class type) argument to the function. The rules for finding associated entities are a bit complex, but in general, the following are included:

This is not the full list of rules, but it is sufficient for this guide’s purpose. Notice especially that the second rule is not recursive: if N::S derives from M::P, then M is not an associated namespace for s. However, M is an associated namespace for N::Mem<M::P>.

After finding all the associated entities, the associated namespace is constructed by finding the innermost enclosing namespace for each entity. Then, ADL will search all the associated namespaces, as well as all hidden friends within the associated entities. What this all means is that ADL will find two more kinds of “distant” function declarations not found by normal unqualified lookup:

  1. All function declarations residing in the same namespace as one of the associated entities; and
  2. All the hidden friends in associated entities
    namespace M
     struct S
         friend void fun(S);
     void fun2(S);
    N::S s;
    fun(s); // okay, #2
    fun2(s); // okay, #1

    Alerted readers may ask, why is ADL a special rule invented specifically for operator overloading? Well, you see, again, operator functions are just normal functions with special names, and they can be found by ADL, too. This is especially suitable for operators because we almost never call them by the normal function syntax but instead choose to write a + b, which always tries to find operator+ through unqualified lookup, so all the namespace-level and hidden friend operator+ for a and b will be found. This is specifically to enable people to write operator functions inside the class’s own scope or enclosing namespace without polluting the global namespace. In fact, in the early days of C++ standardization, ADL only occurred when calling the operator through that syntactic sugar and was only extended to all functions in 1996, very late in the standardization cycle.

Now we know when hidden friends are found, why are they useful in terms of operator overloading? Writing operator functions as hidden friends at least have three advantages. First, hidden friends greatly reduce the overload set, thus delivering significantly better compiling time and (most importantly) diagnostics. You see, if you write a normal non-member operator+, it will get picked up every time everyone writes a + b, no matter what type a or b has. Hidden friends can only be found via ADL, so at least one of a or b must have a relevant type to your operator+’s enclosing class. Otherwise, it will not be shown in the overload set (which the compiler often prints in full whenever some a + b goes wrong).

Secondly, hidden friends reside physically within the class scope. Yes, this is an advantage because operators are most definitely deeply tied to a class’s semantics and should form a class’s public API. If you define a non-member operator just at namespace scope, it may be separated arbitrarily from the class definition, thus making it hard to find and harder to link to the class. Also, a side note is that hidden friends also contribute to the feature-parity between non-members and member forms of operator overloading since hidden friends are still friends and can access the class’s private parts. This may arguably be a good or bad thing since many operators can be implemented fully from public API, and making more friends is generally seen as weakening the encapsulation. However, since member operator functions can (obviously) already access the private parts, I would argue that all operators of a class should be “seen as” members and should have equal access.

Finally, one of the most important advantages of using hidden friends for operator functions, and the trick that makes it indispensable in operator overloading, is the fact that hidden friends will enable the use of the Barton-Nackman trick. If your class is actually templated (say, overloading operator+ for Rational<T>), then there is a very important distinction between hidden friends and ordinary non-members:

template<typename T>
struct Rational
    Rational(T); // implicit conversion from T

    // hidden friend
    friend Rational operator+(const Rational&, const Rational&);

// normal non-member
template<typename T>
Rational<T> operator+(const Rational<T>&, const Rational<T>&);

Have you found the distinction? The hidden friend is actually not a template function! This is a boon granted by being inside the Rationl<T> class scope: you don’t need to template the operator to refer to any kind of Rational; you only have to implement for the current Rational<T> (can be shortened to simply Rational inside the class scope, as seen above). And each invocation of r1 + r2 will synthesize a non-template operator+ from r1 and r2’s class scope.

This distinction had profound implications for the usability of the operator: templated functions only do substitution; they never consider any kind of casting.

Rational<int> r1, r2;
r1 + r2; // okay for both form
r1 + 2; // okay for hidden friend, error (!) for non-member

Why does r1 + 2 fail for a non-member declaration? Because it is a template, the compiler tries to match 2 (aka int) against const Rational<T>& for the second argument and finds that no T can satisfy this equivalence; thus, the declaration is discarded. In the hidden friend case, since operator+ is not a template, no substitution is needed; the compiler knows that it must try to convert 2 to some object of Rational<int>, so the constructor is selected.

This trick, the fact that hidden friends can strip away the template-ness of operators, is known as the Barton-Nackman trick and is the premier reason why operator overloading for templated classes is usually always done in member form or hidden friend form. (Though the most common knowledge of this trick probably stems from Item 46 of the famous Effective C++ book, where the same example of Rational<T> is given.)

However, the other two advantages remain even for non-templated classes. This is why I recommend in this guide that all operator overloading be done in member form or hidden friend form if a non-member is preferred. It leads to better compiling time, better diagnostics, better grouping, and API documentation, and enables conversion in templates. What’s there not to love?

You Must Type It Three Times: SFINAE Woes

Now, we venture into some more advanced topics, like the concept of SFINAE-friendly, which you should consider for each of your overloaded operators. One important thing to note here is that the answer to “Should I make my operator SFINAE-friendly?” is no 99% of the time, both because making it friendly is a bit complex and the advantage is only applicable in a very specific group of types. Most users don’t really need to care about this section. If you don’t know what SFINAE is at all, then you don’t need to read this section, as it will not really affect you.

So, what is SFINAE-friendly? This term refers to the fact that your type perfectly forwards SFINAE-ness. For a friendlier example, let’s again consider the example of Rational<T>. But this time, we will assume that there is a widely adopted concept multipliable that tests if your type is multipliable simply by testing if t * u is valid; and someone had written a function to choose different algorithm based on the multipliability of your type.

template<typename T>
concept multipliable = requires (T t, T u) { t * u; };

template<multipliable T>
T fun(T t) { /* some specific impl */ return t * t; }

template<typename T>
T fun(T t) { /* some general impl */ return t; }

Now, assume that there is some wrapper on ints that only allows addition, not multiplication (perhaps because there is some invariant that it must hold, and it may require too much effort to maintain in multiplication):

template<typename T>
struct Rational
    T n, d;
    friend Rational operator+(const Rational&, const Rational&) { /* ... */ }
    friend Rational operator*(const Rational& lhs, const Rational& rhs)
        return Rational{lhs.n * rhs.n, lhs.d * rhs.d};

struct Number
    int value;
    friend Number operator+(Number, Number);
    // no operator* defined

Now, on the surface, this is a very natural implementation of operator*, right? It uses hidden friends as recommended (though everything below applied to regular non-members and members, too) and simply returns an object with the calculated multiplication result. However, take a look at the following result! (Compiler Explorer)

int main()
    Rational<int> ri{1, 2};
    ri + ri; // good
    ri * ri; // good
    Rational<Number> rn{Number{3}, Number{4}};
    rn + rn; // good, rn * rn will obviously error out
    static_assert(multipliable<Rational<int>>); // good
    static_assert(!multipliable<Number>); // good
    static_assert(multipliable<Rational<Number>>); // ???
    fun(ri); // good, returns ri * ri
    fun(Number{3}); // good, returns Number{3} itself
    fun(rn); // hard error!

Why is Rational<Number> multipliable? And why is fun(rn) a hard error?

Actually, the answer to the second question directly results from the answer to the first question. It is because multipliable<Rational<Number>> is satisfied, such that the specific overload for fun is selected, and evaluating t * t inside the body results in a hard error. So why is multipliable satisfied in the first place? The answer is that Rational<T>’s operator* is not SFINAE-friendly.

For a function to be SFINAE-friendly, it must perfectly forward the SFINAE-ness, meaning that when lhs.n * rhs.n is invalid; the entire operator* declaration should be SFINAE-away. However, as currently declared, operator* for Rational<T> is always present in the overload set, and simply testing for the validness of rn * rn will always succeed since you are only asking if operator* exists. However, calling that expression instantiated the operator and the lhs.n * rhs.n line simply results in a hard error. Then how do we make it SFINAE-friendly? The solution is to forward SFINAE-ness by adding a requires clause:

template<typename T>
struct Rational
    // ...
    friend Rational operator*(const Rational& lhs, const Rational& rhs)
    requires requires (T t, T u) { t * u; }
        return Rational{lhs.n * rhs.n, lhs.d * rhs.d};
// Before C++20, this is typically done by
// friend auto operator*(const Rational& lhs, const Rational& rhs) -> decltype(lhs.n * rhs.n, void(), Rational{})
// simply doing a SFINAE test in the return type

(Or, in this case, requires multipliable<T> will do it.) Now, since operator* is only present if and only if t * u is valid, in the case of Rational<Number>, the operator* is simply not present in the overload set, and multipliable will now report false as rn * rn is no longer valid.

So, when is this technique actually useful? Actually, SFINAE-friendliness is only required in very limited cases, mostly dealing with TMP code. You only need to make your operator SFINAE-friendly if you actively need multipliable to detect your operator* status correctly; in most cases, there is no such concept to deal with, or the user is not expecting Rational<Number> to actually report its status transparently. Coupled with the fact that making functions SFINAE-friendly requires some non-trivial and non-obvious TMP work like the above requires clause, it is generally not recommended to just slap those kinds of requirements on the operators. Only if you are sure that your operator absolutely needs SFINAE-friendliness do you then do it.

One example of those kinds of needs in the STL is in the context of C++20 Ranges. A very important concept for any range is the range properties, like sized_range<R>. This concept basically tells you if your range is sized (i.e., can report its size in O(1) time) and is achieved by simply detecting if ranges::size(r) is valid (and also provides an opt-out in the form of disable_sized_range<R>). Then, each range adaptor like views::transform in the standard will then only provide the size() member function if and only if the underlying range is sized, making sized_range<transform_view<R, F>> always equal to sized_range<R>. This is a critical requirement for those adaptors to calculate/forward the range properties correctly, so filter_view::size() is made SFINAE-friendly.

SFINAE-friendly also has some interesting implications in the context of perfect forwarding call wrappers, which will be discussed in the section for overloading operator(). Otherwise, this guide will not mention SFINAE-friendly again, and all canonical forms will assume that friendliness is not required. Please append the requires clause as needed.

Now that we know about some general idioms that apply to all operators, we went on to some choices that apply to some specific operators and their implications. Then, a classification of overloadable operators will be present, and the rest of the guide will focus on overloading specific operators.

Choices and Classification

Member or Hidden Friend? A Difficult Choice

Now that we know member operator functions should either be implemented via Deducing This or (sometimes) have a ref-qualifier attached, and non-member operator functions should nearly always be implemented via Hidden Friends, the question remains: Which form should we choose? Member or non-member (hidden friends)?

For some of the overloadable operators, the standard has made this choice for us:

For all other scenarios, there is no restriction: you can choose freely between the member form and the non-member form. However, again, there exists a canonical form (a custom) for which operators should be members, as a non-member operator+= just seems weird, while a member operator+ seems equally weird.

In general, the rule of thumb here is that whenever the operator is unary, or binary and needs to modify its left-hand operand, it should be overloaded as a member; otherwise (binary and non-modifying), it should be a non-member. Notice here that this rule technically says nothing — there is no regulation requiring your operator+= to modify the left-hand operand. However, again, remember the motto. Your operators should all be following what the builtin ones do; += on ints (and other builtin types) performs the operation a = a + b, and thus you should follow that convention.

The operators that are customarily left-hand modifying, and thus nearly always overloaded as members include:

All other operators should be overloaded as non-members. The reasoning for the existence of those rules is that left-modifying operators are naturally asymmetrical towards their two arguments and also tie more closely to the LHS since it needs to modify the argument. Therefore, they should use an asymmetrical syntax, namely overload as a member function. Other binary, non-modifying operators often treat their arguments equally (there are exceptions to this, like ->*) and expect the same treatment (conversion, etc.) to happen to both operators, which member functions cannot provide. As for why non-modifying unary operators are recommended to members, too, that’s probably just a customary thing since non-member operator* just seems too weird.

The Big Classification

Finally, after all the preludes, the general introduction stops here. The rest of the guide will be tailored to each operator, as their similarities and general principles have already been introduced, and the rest of the text will introduce each operator’s intricacies and conventions in detail. However, before we can start our journey for real, we still need to classify all the operators into several groups since each operator group still has some generality that can be introduced together (such as compound assignment operators @= are practically following the same principle, even though @ can be different).

There are many different ways to classify operators:

By arity:

By membership-ness:

However, in this guide, the operators will be classified through how often you should overload them (ordered from most frequently to least):

The rest of the guide will follow this classification (not in order, click the above links to jump), so please just jump to the corresponding operator group you want to learn about. Let the journey in the operator zoo finally begin!

The Good Four

Simple Assignment: operator=

The Basics: The Rule of Three, The Rule of Five, and The Rule of Zero

Copy-and-Swap Idiom: When and How

More Idioms

Copy-and-Move Idiom
Implementing Constructors by Assignment
A Nightmare Operator: Deal with optional<T&>

Templated operator=

swap: An Operator Disguised

The Basics: Importance of A noexcept swap

ADL swap and ranges::swap: Incomplete Solution

Member or Non-Member or Hidden Friend? A War Story

Comparison Crash Course: operator<=> and operator== (and other five)

The Basics: Primary and Secondary Comparison

Comparison Result Types and Functions

Rewritten Candidates and Reverse Rewrite

The Default Situation and The Great Separation

Spaceship Idioms: Ignoring, Reversing

Arithmetic Operators

Compound Assignment: operator@=

Simple Arithmetic: b+ b- b* / %

The Basics

By-Value or Symmetry: Pick Your Poison

Bitwise Arithmetic: | b& ~ >> <<

Increment/Decrement: A Dilemma

Prefix: operator++() and operator--()

Postfix: operator++(int) and operator--(int)

The Weirdo: Unary operator+() and operator-()

Input/Output Operator

operator>> as Stream Extractor

The Basics

Dealing with Failure

operator<< as Stream Inserter

The Basics

Formatting Nightmare

Migrate to std::formatter<T>

Simulating a Pointer

One-and-a-Fake Unary: operator*() and operator->()

The Basics: Core Pointer

Shallow or Deep const?

The Unorthodox Arrow

The Forgotten Sister: operator->*

A Changed Friend: operator[]

The Basics: const-Coercing Subscript and Deducing This

Deploying an Multidimensional operator[]

Functors: Overloading operator()

static, const, Lambda, mutable, Oh My!

Stateful and Pure Functors with Standard Algorithms

Perfect-Forwarding Functors: = delete and Deducing This

Coroutine Internals: Overloading operator co_await

Understanding Awaiter and Awaitable

Decoding a Coroutine

Implementing std::lazy<T>

The Bad Nine

Defending Against the Dark Unary operator&

&& and ||: Before and After C++17

Overloading new and delete: Explained

Why, When, and How

Global or Class-Scope?

Placement new and nothrow new

New Handler and the Memory Loop

Placement delete: The Weirdest Operator in the Standard

Overloading new[] and delete[]

A Wild Comma Ride

Conversion Operators: The Good, The Bad, and The Irrelevant

The One Good Conversion: explicit operator bool()

Other Niche Cases

An Irrelevant !

User-Defined Literal: Hidden Pearl of C++

The Basics: UDL Classification and Overloading

Integral UDL

Floating-Point UDL

Character UDL

String UDL

Templated UDL and the constexpr std::string Dilemma

Operator Overloading in the STL: A Glimpse

The Great Comparison Revolution

u*: Nullable, Pointer or Optional?

Deprecating and Decreasing operator->

Postfix ++ -- in C++20: A Rebellion

operator+ For std::string: A Mistake? Nightmare with string_view?

Standard Functors: Mistakes We Cannot Fix

Three Generations of std::less

Three Generations of std::function

The Power of The std::bind Family

A Survey of Bad Operators

Implicit Comparisons

operator&& and operator||

UDL in the STL

The Future of Operator Overloading

operator?:: A Cure for SIMD?

The Great Search For Dot

Overloadable operator^: Customising Reflection

A Pipeline-Rewrite Operator